
Achieving Success With External Support

At the Norfolk Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast on 24 June, Andrew Kerry, Chief Executive of Mattressman, gave an account of how his Company was established, achieved rapid growth and is now recognised as a market leader in the region. A significant factor contributing to this success has been a willingness to use external support where this would add value.

BMN Management aims to add this value and is employed by clients for a number of reasons, over varying timescales and in different ways.

These may be:

  • to provide a strategic overview of the position of the organisation in its marketplace or environment, and thence to recommend mid to long term  strategic directions.
  • to provide an independent review of a proposed course of action, or of the choice between two or more, typically tactical, decisions, based on  knowledge of how such decisions have been effected in other organisations
  • to catalyse change by recommending alterations to management processes and organisation.
  • to strengthen a team.
  • to achieve the implementation of a new system or process.
  • to be involved in the long term operation of the organisation.

We adopt a systems approach to our interventions in an organisation, specialising in environmental and quality management systems.

We know that for a client it can be an act of faith choosing a firm of consultants with whom to work. Our guarantee is that together we will specify measurable outcomes for every project, and work relentlessly to achieve the goals set. Our reputation and therefore income is built on long-term relationships.

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