
ISO9000 is dead………..long live ISO9000!

What is all this nonsense concerning ISO9000? There are professional networking sites currently discussing endlessly the reason for ISO9000, or debating what clauses mean, or how words within clauses should be interpreted.

ISO9000 is just what it says on the tin…….a standard. It is not a philosophy…….it does not represent the best in . . . → Read More: ISO9000 is dead………..long live ISO9000!

ISO9001 and ISO14001………and all that.

There is much debate on professional networking sites about the relevance and value of the ISO9001 and ISO14001 Standards. But I assert that they are getting it wrong!

We at BMN Management take the view that the design and implementation of management systems is driven by the need to meet the needs of our clients………………and . . . → Read More: ISO9001 and ISO14001………and all that.

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